VFA Grants
The grant is made available through the Federal Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act. Funding for VFA Grant comes from the USDA Forest Service, which awards the grant to the Wyoming State Forestry Division (WSFD).
WSFD administers the program and approves the grants to local fire departments. Eligible applicants serve rural areas and communities with a population of 10,000 or fewer inhabitants.
Fire departments approved for funding must match at least 50 percent of the total project cost with local funding. Application forms are available to all eligible fire departments to apply online.
Order of Operations for the Grant
Notification that the Funds are available from WSFD
Fill out VFA Online Application & Project Breakdown spreadsheet
Application reviewed by WSFD staff
Receive notification of application status
Sign Grant Agreement, Form AD-1048, Form AD-1049
Fill out W-9 if you do not have a Vendor Code (VC#)
Make purchases
Send proof of purchases and a signed Request for Reimbursement Form
Receive 50% of the total cost of submitted invoices
VFA Application Form (Step 1)
FFY 2024 VFA is now open! Applications are due by 12/31/2024
VFA Questions Contact:
Christopher Fallbeck,