Urban and Community Forestry
Urban and Community Forestry
A community or urban forest is all the trees growing in and around a city, town, or village. It includes trees along streets, in parks, school yards, home landscapes, utility rights-of-way, vacant lots, and along stream banks. Shrubs, ground covers, soil, wildlife, and water bodies are also part of the urban forest. Streets, buildings, utilities, parking lots, and, most importantly, people, are an integral part of the urban ecosystem.
Urban forestry is the management of these forests and related natural resources. Successful community forestry programs coordinate the management of these natural features and human development in ways that reduce conflicts and allow them to enhance and benefit each other.
The mission of the urban and community forestry program in Wyoming is to help communities build effective, self-sustaining urban forestry and tree care programs with strong community support.
The state program fosters partnerships between government agencies, businesses, and volunteers to promote and improve community forests throughout the state. The Wyoming State Forestry Division provides leadership and technical assistance to communities and organizations throughout the state. Program assistance includes tree inventories, management plans, tree care recommendations and workshops, and grants for local urban and community forestry development.
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Jacob Mares
Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82002