Fuels Mitigation
The Wyoming State Forestry Division Hazardous Fuels Mitigation Program informs, educates and is a resource for individuals, families and communities throughout the State of Wyoming. The program increases public awareness of the risks and dangers associated with wildland fires and provides a foundation for increased efforts to protect against them. We aim to manage and protect resources through the implementation of fuels management and the use of the Cohesive Strategy to develop fire adapted communities, maintain resilient landscapes, and improve response to wildland fires.
Fuels Mitigation
What is fuels Mitigation?
Fuels mitigation is a way to manage lands that will reduce the threat of wildfire to an area. Efforts to implement fuels mitigation treatments can be done at any time, however it is better to recognize and reduce the threat before there is an emergency. Treatments are done through reducing the amount of vegetation, both live and dead, to create a safer environment. These safer environments can then contribute to
Minimizing losses to life and property
Allowing for faster post fire recovery
Lessening of the financial impacts of fire
Providing for firefighter and public safety
How do we mitigate fuels?
Fuels mitigation works to create safer environments through reducing the amount of vegetation in an area for firefighter and public safety. Creating safer environments can be done through implementing fuels treatments. The three main types of treatments are:
Defensible Space; this is the area around a structure where vegetation and objects are managed to increase the chance of the structure surviving a wildfire, either with or without protection. The area includes the structure and the landscape at least 100 feet out to prevent direct flame contact and reduce radiant heat from impacting the structure. Treatments will vary depending on vegetation types and topography.
Fuels Treatments; usually take place in areas outside of the defensible space and reduce the amount of vegetation, both live and dead, to influence fire behavior, minimize the impacts of wildland fire and aid in fire suppression efforts. Treatments include removing hazardous fuels through either biological, chemical, and/or mechanical means. Often treatments include the use of fire to burn residual slash piles or through low intensity prescribed burns.
Fuel Breaks; much like fuels treatments, fuel breaks work to slow, or even stop the spread of fire. Fuel breaks focus on creating a strip of land that has a reduced amount of vegetation and are placed in strategic locations such as ridge tops, property boundaries or access roads.
Are You Prepared?
County Wildfire Protection Plans
Learn what you can do to make your family and property more prepared in the event of a wildfire with these web resources:
University of Wyoming Outreach
Contact Information
Contact Information
Cody Tully
Fuels Program Manager
307.777.5478 Office
307.630.2001 Cell
State Wide Contacts
If you are interested in assessing the current status of the fuels on your property and what
you can do to implement fuels mitigation, please contact the District Forester in your area.
Additionally, counties across Wyoming have Fuels Mitigation Coordinators who may
provide assistance and consultations for private landowners.