Grants Available
Grants Available
Grants Available
As hazardous fuels management is a continuous process, Wyoming State Forestry has a variety of assistance programs to further strengthen the protection and safety of communities by making grants available through the State of Wyoming and the U.S. Forest Service.
For information on what grants are available please read about them below. If there is interest in submitting a proposal in cooperation with Wyoming State Forestry Division, please complete the notice of interest form (click here for form) and submit via email to the Senior Resource Forester - Fuels (
For more information on the program and applications please contact Cody Tully at
Western State Wildland Urban Interface (WSWUI) Application Period CLOSED
Western States Wildland Urban Interface (WSWUI)-Application Period CLOSED (CLOSED on December 20, 2024)
The Western States Wildland Urban Interface grant provides funds to mitigate risk from wildland fire within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and are awarded through a competitive process. The grant has an emphasis on hazard fuel reduction in the WUI, information and education, assessment and planning, and monitoring through community and landowner action. Funding is delivered through and managed by state forestry organizations. This portion of the National Fire Plan was developed to assist interface communities manage the unique hazards they find around them. Reducing wildfire risk in the west will be strongly influenced by the ability to collaborate across ownership boundaries and implement projects on a landscape scale.
Offered by the Wyoming State Forestry Division in partnership with the USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry Branch, the WSWUI Grant Program offers reimbursable financial assistance. Applications for projects must be a qualifying activity, provide a way to meet the 50/50 match requirement, and request no more than $300,000.
Hazardous Fuels (a.k.a. CAFA or Stevens Grant) Application Period CLOSED
A portion of national hazardous fuels funding (WFH) provides assistance for fuels mitigation work on non-federal lands adjacent to national forest lands. The Intent of the program is to treat adjacent non-Federal lands to protect communities when hazard reduction activities are planned on NFS lands. To maximize benefits across the landscape, treatments should ensure proper sequencing, and leverage collaborative resources, regions will coordinate hazardous fuel reduction projects with federal state, tribal, and local partners. Grants should be planned and implemented to complement hazardous fuel reduction on NFS lands in high-priority areas such as those identified in CWPPs or equivalent collaborative plans. These funds will not be granted to the States without Forest Service knowledge of project planning and implementation.
Offered by the Wyoming State Forestry Division in partnership with the USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry branch, financial assistance to treat non-Federal lands adjacent to National Forest System lands. These lands are those that share a physical boundary with or are within proximity to show a clear risk. Proposals must complement local National Forest/Grassland hazard fuels reduction projects, and timing between project initiation on NFS lands and non-federal lands should be planned to achieve benefits from proximity and treatment effectiveness. Project costs may include all costs allowable and necessary to plan and implement the projects on non-federal land only. Proposals funding requests are limited to $250,000.
Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) Application Period OPEN until March 14th
The Community Wildfire Defense Grant program is intended to help at-risk local communities and Tribes plan for and reduce wildfire risk.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law authorizes the $1 billion, five-year CWDG Program, which prioritizes at-risk communities:
In an area identified as having high or very high wildfire hazard potential.
Are low income or,
Have been impacted by a severe disaster that affects the risk of wildfire.
The program provides funding to communities for two primary purposes:
Develope and revise Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP's)
Implement projects described in a CWPP that are less than 10 years old.
The CWDG Program also helps communities in the wildland urban interface implement the 3 goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy:
Resilient Landscapes
Fire Adapted Communities
Safe and Effective Wildfire Response