How Do I Measure a Tree?
So you think you found a Champion Tree... what next?
Follow these four steps to measure your potential Champion and submit its information:
Step One: Gather Materials
In order to measure your tree, you'll need a few basic tools. These include:
Tape measure or Logger's tape
clinometer or rangefinder
Step Two: Measurement (1 of 2)
Measurement can be easy, fast, and fun. Start your tree's measurements by first utilizing your tape measure. You'll want to wrap this around the trunk of the tree, 4.5 feet from ground level (shown left). Make sure to take a photo of the tape measure wrapped around the trunk. Your final number should be in the feet', inches" format. This is your circumference.
Step Two: Measurement (2 of 2)
The next measurement you'll take is your tree's height. To do this, use a rangefinder or clinometer to get a quick and easy measurement. If you find yourself without one of these tools, this is where your yardstick comes in.
The easiest way to measure height with a yardstick is to stand 100 feet away from the tree. You can either measure or pace this distance. Once at the 100-foot mark, you're going to hold your yardstick vertically in front of you, at about arm's length- make sure the zero mark is on the bottom!
Carefully line up the zero mark on your yardstick with the base of the tree (wherever the tree meets the ground). While holding the yardstick steady, find the inch mark where the tallest part of the tree aligns. Record this inch mark, then multiply it by 4- this is your tree's height! Your final number should be in the feet' format.
So you've taken your tree's circumference and height... you're almost done! The final measurement you'll take is the average crown spread. This one may sound tricky, but you're only looking for two things:
Where the width of the tree looks widest
Where the width of the tree looks narrowest
These don't have to be perfect, either! Do your best to find these spots, then measure horizontally from edge to edge of the wide/narrow areas using your tape measure. This should give you one wide measurement and one that's a little narrower. These two measurements are your crown spread*. Make sure these two numbers are in the feet' format.
*Question: Do I need to average my two crown spread measurements? You don't need to! Simply follow the instructions for submission where you'll see how to enter your measurement information.
Step 3: Photos
You've now collected three measurements: circumference, height, and crown spread. The final piece you need to collect from your tree is, of course, photos! You've already taken a photo of your circumference, so now you need to capture your tree in its full glory- that means you should try to capture a photo of the whole tree. Try to get 4 photos of the whole tree, so that we can see all sides. If your tree has any interesting characteristics like flowers, fruit, abnormal growth, or anything else you deem fascinating please include it in your submission!
Step 4: Submission
Congratulations! You've officially finished collecting all of the data necessary for nominating a potential Wyoming State Champion Tree. This next, and final, step is super easy- simply navigate to our 'Submit a Nomination' page and fill out the necessary details. If you need further help with the nomination form, see the detailed instructions below:
How to Fill Out the Champion Tree Nomination Form
Step One: Nominator Information
This section is all about you! You'll fill in a few pieces of contact information like your name, address, email, and phone number. Concerned about data and information privacy? Everything that you submit is handled exclusively by WSFD and we will never share any personal information without prior permission. If your submission is selected as a Wyoming State Champion Tree, we'd like to recognize you by including your name on the official register listing. This is completely optional, though, and if you'd like to remain anonymous you can select the 'I'd Like to Remain Anonymous" option under the 'Nominator Information' tab.
Step Two: Owner Information
Next up is information about who owns the tree. If you are both the Nominator and the Owner of the tree, go ahead and select the 'I am both the Nominator and the Owner' option. This will autofill your previously entered information so you don't have to type it twice.
If you are the Nominator but not the Owner of the tree, please fill out as much Owner information as you can. Reminder! The Wyoming State Forestry Division reminds you that any Champion Tree Submission on privately owned land requires permission from the landowner.
Step Three: Tree Description
Time to tell us a bit about your tree. First of all, we need to know what it is! To the best of your ability, enter the common name and the Latin name of the tree- if you really aren't sure what it is, you can refer to the following guide:
Still not sure what your tree is? Send pictures of the whole tree, bark, leaves, and any fruit or other distinguishing characteristics to our Champion Tree Program Coordinator at with the subject line 'Champion Tree ID'.
Next you'll tell us how the tree looks health-wise. There are four options ranging from 'Poor' to 'Excellent'- choose whichever option you think best describes the state of your tree.
Finally, tell us about where your tree is on the property. This can be as simple as 'backyard' or as complex as you need it to be. If your tree is difficult to find, make sure to include plenty of details.
Step Four: Measurements
Still got those measurements handy? It's time to put them to use! You'll first start by entering your circumference measurement. Remember, this is in the feet' inches" format, so there are separate boxes for each number (Ex. for a tree measuring 12 feet 3 inches, you'll enter '12' in the left box and '3' in the right box).
Now for height. In the box labeled 'Height', you'll input your final tree height measurement. Remember, this is in the feet' format, so you'll only put in one number (Ex. for a tree measuring 45 feet tall, you'll enter '45' in the box).
Crown spread. Here you'll enter those two measurements you took of the spread of the tree's crown. You can enter the measurements in any order. Remember, this measurement is in the feet' format, so you'll enter one number per box (Ex. for a tree measuring 67 feet and 78 feet for its two measurements, enter '67' in one box and '78' in the other).
Step Five: Photos
The hard part is over! It's now time to upload the pictures of your Champion Tree Submission. Click on the box labeled 'Upload a File'- this will allow you to select multiple photos from your files. Remember! Try to submit a photo of the circumference measurement as well as four photos that cover each side of the tree. If you have any other interesting or pertinent photos, please upload them as well.
Once your photos are in place, you'll have the opportunity to provide any additional information we may need.
Step Six: Submit
You're all done! At this stage please review the information you've entered to ensure that it is correct, then click the 'Submit' button. Your submission will go directly to our Champion Tree Program Coordinator who will review your tree, score it, and then inform you of your tree's status. If your submission has the potential to become a new Champion Tree, our Champion Tree Program Coordinator will discuss next steps with you, including measurement verification and Register updates.