Cost-Share: Program Development Application

Applications Due by March 14, 2025

Complete applications MUST BE RECEIVED by Wyoming State Forestry Division by the deadline.  Early receipt of application by WSFD allows time to review for completeness and time for corrections if necessary.  Late or incomplete applications WILL NOT be considered.  Applicants will be notified of funding status in late March. 

Interpretive sign at High Plains Arboretum

Interpretive Signage at High Plains Arboretum

Program Development Cost-Share

The Wyoming State Forestry Division in conjunction with the USDA Forest Service have developed these guidelines for distributing available funds for Program Development and Educational projects.  Some examples of projects include community tree care workshops, publication of brochures on recommended trees or proper tree care, interpretive signs for an arboretum, tree inventories and community forestry management plans, development of training materials, web page development and media projects, community forestry interns, etc. 

Important Grant Information

PROJECT SUMMARY - Provide a brief summary of the project, what problem it will solve or benefits it will provide, and explain its purpose.  "To educate the public" is too brief. Any additional attachments that you wish to include with the one-page application are encouraged.

VOLUNTEERS - The use of volunteers, both individual citizens and organizations, is an important part of the Urban & Community Forestry (U&CF) program.  In order to qualify for education and program development funds you MUST have volunteers involved in some aspect of the project.  Some examples are: tree boards, civic organizations, Scout troops, 4-H and FFA, Master Gardeners, student organizations, garden clubs, etc.

FUNDS - This is a 50/50 cost-share grant.  The match must equal or exceed the grant amount requested. For example, if you request $1,000 you must match the $1,000 grant request with at least $1,000 in local funds, for a total project expenditure of $2,000. Unlike the Tree Planting grant category, which requires a cash-match, the match for Program Development category can be cash, in-kind services, or a combination of both. The minimum request that can be considered is $1,000. The maximum request is $10,000.00 per project. A successful grant recipient must utilize both the funds requested as well as the local match shown on the application in order to receive the U&CF grant funds.  Any requests for payments of less than the amount applied for will not be accepted. Plan your project funding carefully.  

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - All print or electronic documents funded by this grant must include the following acknowledgement: 

This publication was funded by a grant from the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry in cooperation with the Wyoming State Forestry Division. Both the USDA and WSFD are equal opportunity providers and employers.”

SUB-RECEIPIENT AGREEMENT - Successful grant applicants will be required to sign a sub-recipient agreement outlining the requirements of this grant program.



PROJECT REPORT/REQUEST FOR PAYMENT - After completion of funded projects a REPORT/ REQUEST FOR PAYMENT form, along with color photographs (digital or physical) taken during the project and/or samples of the completed project must be submitted to the Wyoming State Forestry Division for payment.  This form will be provided to applicants who receive grant funding. Grant funds will be paid on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of this documentation.                           


Preference may be given to:


If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Mares at (307)777-3626 or

As required by federal regulations, sub-recipients are required to have an audit done in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133 should they expend more than $750,000 in total of federal assistance from any funding or pass-through agency.