District #4
District Forester: Nate Wilson 307-749-7940
GNA Forester: Vacant
Wyoming State Forestry Division
PO Box 1678
145 S. Fremont
Pinedale, WY 82941
Assistant District Forester: Cailey Wolf 307-747-1020
Wyoming State Forestry Division
PO Box 115
100 Sage Street
Lyman, WY 82937
District 4 of the Wyoming State Forestry Division encompasses the five western counties of Lincoln, Sublette, Sweetwater, Teton, and Uinta. The District has two offices; one in Pinedale and one in Lyman.
The District is responsible for the management of forested state trust lands. These lands are primarily managed to generate revenue, via forest products sales, for public schools and other trust beneficiaries. Through proper silvicultural and best management practices the District promotes healthy forest systems to generate other non-monetary benefits as well. Wildlife habitat, domestic animal habitat, watershed protection, and the promotion of a viable and sustainable forest products industry are all key benefits gained through proactive forest management. Recreational opportunities such as hiking, fishing, and hunting are also promoted, though camping and fires are not permitted on State Trust Lands.
The District has direct fire protection responsibilities on all state trust lands within the district and works cooperatively with other agencies on their lands. The District coordinates the annual operating plan of how interagency fire protection will be conducted and also provides technical and financial assistance to the counties.
The District administers Rural Forestry Assistance programs for private forested land owners, and Community Forestry programs working to facilitate management of community forests. These programs both include insect and disease monitoring as well as the administration of various federal grants used for projects ranging from fuels reduction and mitigation to tree planting and care. The District also provides outreach and education holding workshops and seminars to all ages on a variety of forestry topics.